Friday, September 14, 2018

Women and Penny Phones by Mrs. John C. Kennedy (Annabelle VanHorn Kennedy)

By Mrs. John C. Kennedy.
Women who work for a living, women whose husbands work for a living, women who believe in justice for the workers, should sign the petition of the Penny Phone League, should ask their neighbors to sign the petition, should agitate for it in the parlor, in the kitchen and over the-back fence. They should demand their alderman's position on the question; they should watch the procedure of the committee of the city council on gas, oil and electric light.  They should do this because Chicago will have its own telephone system if the women of Chicago demand it, because a municipal telephone system would mean a telephone in every working man's home at one cent a call; because it means that 50,000 men and women in the electrical trades of Chicago, who cannot now organize into labor unions, will have a chance to organize; because it means that these 50,000 men and women will have higher wages and better working conditions than they now have under the rule Of the Bell Telephone Trust; because if these men and women become organized they can help thousands of other workers in the city to organize; because municipal ownership of the telephone system is an entering wedge to municipal ownership of the gas plant, the street railways and all the public utilities of Chicago.  Women throughout the city are enlisting in the fight. What are YOU going to do?

Thursday, June 22, 2017

"Her Hat Was in the Ring"

Website:  Her Hat Was in the Ring:  U.S. Women Who Ran for Office Before 1920
"Anna Belle Kennedy was a Socialist Party candidate for University of Illinois Trustee in 1916"
p.s. This site needs more info about Anna Belle!  I will offer them insight.

Annabelle and Suffrage

"Socialist women under the leadership of Mrs. John C. Kennedy and Miss Mary O'Reilly are organizing the twenty-seventh ward and instructing the foreign women in suffrage classes held in the homes" Chicago Tribune July 14, 1913

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How the Packers Kill Hogs and Workers

I just found this article quoting John Curtis Kennedy just before he testified before the U.S. indsturial relations commision in 1915.  It doesn't take a literary critic to classify this as "sensational journalism".  It is definitely a more passionate report than others I have seen.  Read the full story here:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

100th Wedding Anniversary Today!

Today is the 100th Anniversary of the marriage of Annabelle Van Horn to John Curtis Kennedy! They have been on my mind all day! I'm a hopeless nostalic romantic! Their transcribed marriage record is now in the searchable database on